
Harry Accuses Royals of ‘Dirty Game’ Leaking Stories in Explosive Netflix Trailer


A new trailer for Harry and Meghan’s new Netflix show dropped Monday. It’s worse than the royals could have possibly feared.

Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images

Netflix dropped another trailer for their new show Harry and Meghan Monday morning, which showed Harry describing the “pain and suffering of women” marrying into the “institution” of the royal family and accused the palace of leaking and planting stories in what he termed a “dirty game.”

The new trailer shows clips of his mother, Princess Diana, being chased by paparazzi, as Harry says: “I was terrified. I didn’t want history to repeat itself.”

Meghan says, over footage of her wiping tears from her eyes: “I realized, they’re never going to protect you.”

The trailer also confirmed that the series, believed to be in six parts, will drop in two tranches, this Thursday and next.

In one clip Harry is seen looking forlornly out of a car window saying: “It’s really hard to look back on it now and go, what on earth happened?”

The clip then shows the early days of their relationship, portraying it as a joyous time, before, Harry says, “Everything changed.”

In comments that will be likely to anger the royals, Harry says: “There’s a hierarchy of the family. There’s leaking, but there’s also the planting of stories.”

Harry says: “The pain and suffering of women marrying into this institution, this feeding frenzy… I was terrified. I didn’t want history to repeat itself.”

In one scene, Harry, speaking directly to camera, on what appears to be a mobile phone recording, says, “No-one knows the full truth. We know the full truth.”