
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Sacked

Pink Slips

Argentinean seminary releases Richard Williamson.

Courtesy SVT/ AP Photo

Who says all layoffs are a bad thing? Richard Williamson, the Holocaust-denying bishop whose recent reconciliation with the Catholic Church has caused much controversy, was sacked from his job as the director of a traditionalist seminary in Argentina. The decision came after Williamson gave an interview to Der Spiegel in which he refused to immediately recant or travel to Auschwitz. “I ask every human being to believe me when I say that I did not deliberately say anything untrue,” Williamson said. “I was convinced that my comments were accurate, based on my research in the 1980s. Now I must review everything again and look at the evidence.” The conservative Catholic group that Williamson is a part of and that the pope invited back into the Catholic fold has given the controversial bishop until the end of the month to recant.

Read it at The Times of London