
Horoscopes for May 22-28

The Moon goes void-of-course this week, leaving Taurus in a daze, Cancer emotionally detached, and Sagittarius with a risky financial opportunity.



Stevie Nicks (May 26, 1948) Gemini is the premier air sign, ruled by winged Mercury, the dualistic messenger god of words and gossip. Rumours aside, Nicks, a speech communication major in college, has been a solo singer-songwriter sensation, noted for her airy-fairy style, since releasing her 1981 record Bella Donna—a title asserting a twin Gemini theme of beauty and danger. If Gemini men are Peter Pans, the women are Tinkerbells: beautiful manipulators, mixed messengers, and messers of minds. “I need you to love me”…. “Stand back, stand back.”



You’re on a tear, determined to get your routine working like a well-oiled machine. As the Moon approaches your sign, by Thursday, you can feel emotions bubbling to the surface. And you’re subconsciously (well, not anymore) putting externals in order before facing an imminent flood of inner commotion. Some material holdings may be slipping away, but allowing them to do so will let freedom ring. If any situation feels like a struggle, seek its dissolution. The Moon-Uranus mashup Saturday suggests that career evolution entails deviating from the norm. It’s time to highly specialize or offshoot on your own.


Living in a sort of dreamtime characterizes experience now, as the Moon is void-of-course a few times this week. This puts you in a daze. Sensual recollections preoccupy you in the day, while your nightly reveries become increasingly vivid, providing clues to psychological puzzles as well as inspiration for creative projects. From Tuesday, the Sun and Saturn conspire to raise your self-esteem and the status others afford you—they are one and the same. Contempt you’ve had for those you label “success stories” has been a projection of inferiority feelings. Now you are inspired, not intimated, by fellow winners.


Your buzzy brand of energy is at a peak. Good thing, as life requires quick moves, fast-talking, and speedy decision making. You may need to make a series of quick trips. What were obstacles last week are mild impediments now, whether they be a busted ankle or a broken heart. Your love life, in fact, takes a marked turn for the better as the Gemini Sun calls upon the magic of Neptune and the healing of Chiron. Dream dates come knocking, and undemonstrative mates mount quite a show of affection. Anxiety over deals, budgets, or contracts will be for naught. When it comes to business, be a warrior, not a worrier.


Jump to no conclusions. Newcomers may rankle you at first, but these may be false starts to lifelong bonds. Think Mary and Rhoda. And that goes for you Cancer women, too. With the Sun and Saturn in strong aspect, you may feel you’re being grilled by suspicious minds. But things are not what they seem. This might be part of a vetting process aimed at heaping increased power and responsibility on your plate. Some void-of-course Moon maneuvers provide desired emotional detachment. Though financial stakes are high with potential projects in the pipeline, you’re charting getaways and humming Que Sera, Sera.


Moving and shaking is in the stars. So loosen the purse strings to spiff up a bit. And go for quality goods. Consider it an investment in your future. As Pluto dialogues with Mars and Venus in your cosmic sector of thinking big, you should pull out all stops to wow those who have what you want and are in a position to give it to you. Especially investment money. It’s time to play with the big boys and girls. And despite trepidation, you’ll discover how suited you are to high-stakes wheeling and dealing. The more material-worldly you wax in public, the more spiritually focused you are in private.


Dearth takes a holiday. With a stellium of planets signaling certain abundance for you Virgins, you suddenly have more work, social opportunities, and loving attention than you can shake a stick at. While leaner times of late taught you to be less picky, now you’re being schooled in discernment. Do not fear employing the power of No. The trick is to decline offers without completely closing doors on those you shoot down, for now. The Sun and Saturn team up to plop you atop a pedestal, making you a mentor to minions and a god/dess to grand delusionists who think your good fortune can be theirs by osmosis.


Justice incarnate, you are a virtual Pez dispenser of convictions. Saturn in Libra has a typically demure effect, but the passing Moon highlights its T-square with Uranus and Pluto, making you anything but judicious in expressing your opinions. Still, jealousy may be at the root of your finger-pointing and gavel-slamming. Perhaps if you were to let your own freak flag fly more freely, you wouldn’t be so critical of others’ extraordinary feats or flights of fancy. Defer judgments and put the focus back on you. Acknowledge the fear preventing you from pursuing a desired activity. Then do it anyway, daring yourself to fail.


Is it possible to be this happy? The question pin-balls inside your mind. The answer is affirmative. The real issue: why you feel the other shoe must drop on your parade. Past patterns are just that. And though you have wrestled bygone demons, you can vanquish them now by being unabashedly joyful. Any “bad” that happens won’t be a direct result thereof. Ruler Pluto’s connection with Chiron, the planetette of healing, can trigger unexpected realizations: You may be emotionally tied to certain people because you have long suspected that they need you. It would be so therapeutic to utter words to the contrary.


Cover your assets. With the Moon squaring Jupiter then void-of-course, a financial opportunity may be riskier than it appears. Wait until Wednesday to lay money down. Be mindful, too, of the words you employ—they have wings, so keep them positive—and if you feel you’ve spoken out of turn or even slightly slighted someone, swoop back in to do damage control. If your intentions aren’t bad, any misconstruing can be headed off at the pass. If intentions were less than pure, make amends now to avoid quakes in your social landscape. You learn a lesson in any case: To blabber is human, to button divine.


Get the show on the road. For some, this is a literal statement, as you must now take your dog-and-pony talents and wares to some corner of the world. For others, inner journeying is in the stars. With the Sun in challenging aspect to Neptune and Chiron (and the Moon, mid-week) you go deeper into intellectual, philosophical, if not metaphysical study. Inhaling your favorite scent of library books, your thumbs smudged with ink from newly printed course catalogs, you all harken to a soul calling for higher education. And those who had to travel to Oshkosh to heed this wee voice inside will consider it well worth the trip.


Expect an intense adjustment period. Saturn opposing Uranus makes life extra tetchy as you piece the past together with your notion of the future. Old routines and relationships factor heavily. And it can shock to discover how much you’ve changed in the face of revisitation. You’re tempted to rely on default strengths—Aquarius detachment—but this comes off as alienating. As it is, you’ve committed to projects and people, sending the message: you’re warmer and fuzzier than suspected. Don’t now avoid these obligations. At least allow others to find alternate resources than those you could deliver if you’d only try.


Stick to your principles, particularly when it comes to partnerships, deals, contracts, and such. As compromising as you naturally are, you mustn’t bend at all now. Ruler Neptune is pummeled by other planetary influences, but this only seems to stir its enchanting power. Likewise, any resistance or flack you face strengthens your resolve to achieve singular objectives; and, in standing firm, you receive fairy gifts in the form of new allies and opportunities to realize your noblest visions. A Mars-Venus mashup says a bond with a buddy of the opposite sex could morph into a business partnership fusing twin ideologies.

Writers and astrologers Stella Starsky and Quinn Cox are the internationally best-selling authors of Sextrology and Cosmic Coupling and have contributed to Paris Vogue, Allure, Elle and They are metaphysical consultants in private practice. Their live musical comedy act of starry wit and social commentary is regularly staged at venerable venues like Joe’s Pub at the Public Theater in New York.

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