
How Harry Was 'Blitzed" With Calls By 'Needy' Girlfriend Chelsy, Court Hears

Hacking Trial

Prince Harry's former girlfriend Chelsy Davy bombarded him with text messages and phone calls while he was undergoing officer training at Sandhurst, phone hacking trial hears

Mark Cuthbert

Its an unhappy irony that for many of the victims of the phone hacking scandal, they are now having to relive the stories that were hacked in the first place.


No-one is this truer for than Prince Harry, who has once again seen front pages about his alleged 'cheating' on a homework assignment at Sandhurst by asking his aide Jamie Lowrther-Pinkerton for help, and now he once again has to endure stories about his private life, including the claim that his then girlfriend Chelsy Davy was driving him 'nuts' by bombarding him with calls and texts when he was training at Sandhurst.

The royal editor of the shuttered Murdoch tabloid, Clive Goodman, allegedly sent an email to editor Andy Coulson in August 2005 saying she Chelsy was 'blitzing him with calls', a jury at the Old Bailey in Central London heard, according to reports from the trial today on blog The Drum which is following the trial in forensic detail

The email reportedly went on: "Family likes her well enough but they're worried that she's incredibly needy, just at the time when Harry needs to be concentrating on himself," according to the Telegraph's account of today's proceedings.

The court was shown an email from August 2005, allegedly sent from Goodman to Coulson which read: "Re Harry and Chelsea good off record chat with .. last night. He's not allowed to use his mobile at Sandhurst until he's off duty but she's blitzing him with dozens of calls and texts when he should be concentrating on his training."

In another email Goodman allegedly discussed the idea of generating a story about Prince William, who was working as a mountain rescue helicopter pilot at the time, by having a journalist pretend to be stranded in the hills so he could be rescued by him, The Drum reports.