
How to Do Laundry At Home Without a Washing Machine or Dryer


My process of doing laundry at home involves drying racks and a whole lot of forearm strength.


In the three apartments I have lived in, only one of them had laundry in the building. Unfortunately for me, it’s not my current one. My usual process is to pack it all into a laundry bag and drop it off a block away at the laundromat for wash and fold service, but with everything going on, I can’t do that anymore. Instead, I’ve had to turn my bathroom into a makeshift laundromat for the time being. It’s not a foolproof process, to be quite honest, but it works. Plus, my forearms are gonna be toned as hell from wringing out clothing once a week. Who says you need equipment to get a good workout?


To easily do that, I’ve had to purchase a couple things, mainly to help with drying. I rely on a two step drying process, on a rack and then on a line. This drying rack allows the heavy items like jeans or sweatshirts to get most of the moisture out. It also folds almost completely flat, making it easy to store. After they’re halfway dry, I’ll transfer smaller items like underwear and T-shirts to the clothesline to further dry out. While this clothesline was technically made for camping, it works great for at-home laundry too. It has suction cups to stick to tile and velcro straps to attach to things if you don’t have tile. But the best part is that you don’t need clothespins, as it’s made of a braided latex cord that you pull apart to insert the item. This gives the heavy items more room to breathe and keeps the clothesline from getting too heavy.

AmazonBasics Foldable Clothes Drying Laundry Rack

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Lewis N. Clark Adjustable Latex Clothesline

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When it comes to detergent, you can really use any but make sure you’re wearing gloves as you’re going to be agitating the water and it may irritate your hands (especially if they’re lacking some moisture from being washed constantly). Dish gloves work well here. I also invested in a bulk size of Tide Oxi Stain Remover powder to help with stains. Just mix it into a paste, let it sit, and then wash it like you normally would.

LANON Wahoo Series Waterproof Dishwashing Gloves

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Tide Multi-Purpose Oxi Stain Remover Powder 2-Pack

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