
How to Get Fit Like a Porn Star: Looking Good Naked Ain’t Easy


Just in time for summer, luminaries in the adult industry share their secrets on how they maintain their desirable bods.


Adult actresses make no secrets about how they stay in shape—perseverance and hard work. And who better to ask about looking good without clothes on than those who get paid to do it?

Being a porn star takes more than good looks; it requires an athletic performance and the stamina to match. It takes a great deal of strength and muscular endurance to achieve some of those awkward-yet-camera-friendly positions. Holding certain positions for camera in the midst of a sex scene made me thankful I’d gotten into fitness.

When the world ogles every inch of your bare body, diet and fitness can quickly become an obsession. Not all porn stars are as genetically blessed as they’d have you believe, and they work very hard to make it look that way. Porn stars have a firm understanding that strong, healthy bodies are sexy. So what’s the secret to getting a body like a porn star? We’ve compiled the top fitness tips from the scantily clad women who make us all want to look better naked.

Yurizan Beltran takes fitness just as seriously as her career in adult entertainment. She doesn’t just go to the gym and hop on a treadmill; she lifts weights like a pro:

To keep her body camera-ready, Beltran says, “My workout regimen consists of two leg days and two upper body days. I keep these spaced out during the week with one rest day and two days of cardio.” Her golden rule for fitness: consistency. “Even if you’re having a bad day, just suck it up and get to the gym. A shitty workout is better than no work out!”

You don’t have to go to a gym to get fit, you just have to be motivated. Of course, finding that inspiration can be as challenging as the workout, even when it’s a job requirement. Adult star Lana Violet credits yoga with changing her life. “Exercise is seen as a chore, something you have to get through, sometimes mindlessly, just to get to the end,” says Violet. “In yoga it’s all about the journey, riding through every fiery, burning, uncomfortable sensation.” Regardless of physical or mental limitations, Violet says yoga has always been beneficial. “Through procrastination, fatigue and injuries, like sprained ankles and wrists, yoga is still accessible and available to me.”

As her Instagram post illustrates, she’s very dedicated:

“I'm still a work in progress, however I am much stronger and way happier with my body than I ever was.” And the key to that, according to Violet, is to remember this: “If you want long, healthy results it's going to take time. It’s a lifestyle change not a quick-fix diet.”

When it comes to diets, some starlets find it easier to limit certain foods rather than eliminate them altogether. “I try to limit my daily sugar intake. I definitely don’t pass up my sweet cravings but I also don’t have sweets more than once or twice a week,” says porn’s Foxxy.

If doing yoga or leaving your house to mingle with all the other gym enthusiasts sounds too ambitious, do what porn star Misty Stone does: start at home. According to Stone, fitness can be easily accomplished by adding it into your daily routine. “I wake up in the morning and I’ll do 25-100 sit-ups depending on how much time I have, and at night I do 25-100 squats and it keeps me really toned,” says Stone. “Be consistent and make sure this is something you do all the time, just like brushing your teeth.”

Fitness goals vary from person to person, and surprisingly not everyone is trying to lose weight. Some, like renowned porn star Riley Steele, are trying to add some muscle, which can also be a challenge. “I have to work out really hard and use very heavy weights to build muscle because if I didn’t, I’d have skinny chicken legs,” says Steele.

For as fitness-oriented as she is, even Steele reached a point of plateau when she wanted to up her game. “I hired my first personal trainer because I was doing a movie for Axel Braun, Barbarella XXX, and I wanted to be in the best shape of my life for that movie.” Steele says she loves working with a personal trainer and has not only learned how to push herself harder, but to do so correctly. In the gym there are right and wrong ways to use equipment. “Personal trainers teach you the proper way to work out. You can hurt yourself if you are doing things incorrectly or aren’t positioning yourself properly.” Apparently, the gym is also a great place to work out her aggression Steele’s best fitness advice is simple: “Drink lots of water and don’t skip the cardio.”

While many porn stars can dish out savvy fitness tips, few are as qualified as BrandiMae, also well-known for her work as a female body builder. Featured on HBO’s Real Sports and the Katie Couric show for her bodybuilding expertise, BrandiMae has broken through the few barriers that separate fitness from the world of adult entertainment. “There aren’t huge careers and financial rewards for a lot of female competitors, so the adult work actually keeps me personally motivated to train harder and keep that pizza out of my mouth,” says BrandiMae. Fitness isn’t just a goal; it’s her lifestyle, and one her fans appreciate. “There is something about the strength and power encompassed in a female bodybuilder that tends to drive fans crazy—in a good way. It’s like a hidden pleasure or fantasy to be sensually overpowered by a domineering woman who knows how to take control.”

As a certified personal trainer and nutritionist, BrandiMae acknowledges that getting into or staying in shape is easier said than done. Her favorite type of client to train is one that is serious about their fitness goals and prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve them. “A fitness lifestyle is something that has to be self-motivated. It can’t be something a trainer has to twist your arm to achieve,” says BrandiMae. “It’s frustrating as a personal trainer when a client lies about their eating habits then wants to complain that they aren’t seeing any changes in weight or fat loss.”

To look good naked, you have to be realistic and find a sustainable balance between diet and exercise. “It’s really about mastering self-discipline,” says BrandiMae. “Eating donuts and fast food isn’t going to help you accomplish your physical agenda. However, going balls-to-the-wall crazy with a restrictive diet isn't the most realistic, either.”

Most importantly though, looking good naked is subjective. It’s more about how you feel than a number on a scale.

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