
Knitting Can Help Ease Your Mind. Here Are Some Beginners Kits to Get Started


Teaching yourself to knit is a skill that will carry through years of your life. Now’s a great time to learn.


Nowadays, with my (and the entire world’s) anxiety levels through the roof, there’s a need to slow down and be present. Knitting can ground you. It lets you focus on small, minute movements and tasks.  You don’t need to be an expert, either. Plenty of companies have kits that you can use and videos to reference so that you can get a hand of the intricate movements.

Knitting seems incredibly complicated when you look at the finished product, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes like second nature. You get into a groove and your hand movements quickly turn into muscle memory. It’s a meditation of sort, looping, twisting, moving yarn up and around the needles. Like needlepoint or embroidery, the craft itself is only one part of the adventure. Once you finish, you end up with a scarf or hat or sweater that you can wear (or gift) and feel proud of. It’s a tangible reminder of the work you put in, and once you get good, it’s an easy way to show someone that you care for them. My friend gifted me a hand-knit beanie that I always enjoy wearing in the winter because I know she spent her free time making it.

I have a kit from We Are Knitters, but other brands like Wool and the Gang and even vendors on Etsy have plenty to choose from. I was advised to start with something easy, like a scarf, but the world of knitting is vast. Spend the couple hours you have after work or some free time on the weekend diving into a knitting project that may help you tune out the noise of everything else going on right now.

Hannah Blanket Knitting Kit
Knitting Kit for Beginners

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