
Howard Stern Urges Trump Fans to All Drink Bleach Together and ‘Drop Dead’


The popular radio host also formally endorsed Joe Biden on Monday’s show.

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Getty

Howard Stern returned to his SiriusXM show after a week-long break on Monday. And he had a lot to say about President Trump’s recent suggestion that injecting disinfectant might just be the coronavirus cure Americans have been waiting for. 

“I would love it if Donald would get on TV and take an injection of Clorox and let’s see if his theory works,” Stern told listeners on Monday, as first reported by the New York Daily News. “Hold a big rally, say fuck this coronavirus, with all of his followers, and let them hug each other and kiss each other and have a big rally.”

His co-host Robin Quivers chimed in with, “A big cocktail of disinfectant.”

“Yeah, and all take disinfectant and all drop dead,” Stern added.

After a caller expressed discomfort over Stern’s “political” stance, the host said, “I don’t recognize any of this as being Republican, I don’t recognize it as being anything political. I see it as insanity. I don’t know what is going on there, but I don’t have a good feeling.”

Perhaps not coincidentally, the host used the same show to formally endorse Joe Biden for president.

“I am all-in on Joe Biden,” Stern declared. “You see the wall that’s right next to you, I’ll vote for the wall over a guy who tells me that I should pour Clorox into my mouth. Listen, I think we are in deep shit. I think we could have been ahead of this curve.”

In his recent book of interviews, Stern argued that Hillary Clinton may have been able to win in 2016 if she had agreed to appear on his show as a guest leading up to that election. She waited until this year to make her Howard Stern Show debut. Will Biden make the same mistake?