
Huntsman Girls: CPAC Rejected Us


Tweet “We didn’t quite make the list.”

Phelan Ebenehack / Reuters

Jon Huntsman’s daughters, the famed @Jon2012Girls, said Friday that they were not invited to the annual conservative gathering in Washington, CPAC, but a CPAC spokesman said Saturday that they would be happy to “contemplate” inviting Mary Anne, Abby, and Liddy Huntsman. “For everyone wondering if we made it to CPAC this year, the answer is no,” they tweeted. “We didn’t quite make the list. #CPACdoesn’twantyourcommentary.” Al Cardenas, a spokesman for the American Conservative Union, which hosts CPAC, said his organization never received a request from the Huntsman daughters to attend. “Have them contact us, and we’ll be happy to contemplate the possibility,” Cardenas said.

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