
‘Irene Windsor’ Fools Prince Andrew’s Security Guards Into Thinking She Is His Fiancée


The Spanish woman was allowed onto the property of the famously promiscuous prince.

Steve Parsons

Although one can imagine it is a challenge keeping up with his love life, surely Prince Andrew’s security staff ought to know what’s going on? Apparently not; it emerged Wednesday that a 44-year-old Spanish woman who claimed to be engaged to Andrew was allowed onto his property by security staff, after demanding they pay her cab fare. She spent about 20 minutes walking around the gardens before she went into Royal Lodge itself, where the duke was at home. She was finally stopped after asking a member of staff inside the house where she could find Andrew, who is 61. A source told The Sun: “She cut quite a glamorous figure and the guards were completely taken in by her. They had no idea this woman was a total stranger to Andrew and seemingly had a fixation with him.” The woman, who gave her name as Irene Windsor, has since been detained under Britain’s mental-health laws.

Read it at The Sun