
Is Marsha Blackburn Running Against Phil Bredesen—or Hillary Clinton?


The Tennessee Republican referred to the former Secretary of State repeatedly in her Wednesday night debate.

In a performance befitting the Halloween season, Marsha Blackburn evoked the name of Republicans’ favorite bogeywoman as the U.S. Senate candidate from Tennessee repeatedly referenced Hillary Clinton during her Wednesday debate against former governor Phil Bredesen.

The former secretary of State and presidential candidate, of course, hasn’t been an elected official in almost ten years—but that didn’t matter much to Blackburn, who clearly believes that tarring her opponent as, uh, a Democrat who supported the Democratic candidate for president is a winning strategy.

Here’s an incomplete list of some of the moderators’ questions to which Blackburn responded with some kind of Hillary Clinton reference:

  • Do you think the Kavanaugh accusers lied?
  • Will you keep ACA provisions in a future health care plan?
  • How will you pay for those provisions?
  • Is the zero tolerance immigration policy effective?
  • Will the new trade deal help Tennesseans?
  • Will Tennessee be in good hands if your opponent is elected?
  • Do you support raising the retirement age for Social Security?
  • Do you support the creation of the Space Force?

Blackburn’s been known to drop the names of unpopular Democratic leaders while campaigning against her Taylor Swift-endorsed opponent; in their last debate, the congresswoman painted Bredesen as a Chuck Schumer acolyte.

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