On Tuesday, comedian Tiffany Haddish hopped on Instagram Live from her seat on a plane that was about to take off. The Girls Trip star announced that she was about to embark on a trip from Los Angeles to Israel. “I’m gonna meet my future man out there,” Haddish told her followers, in a video that’s since been reposted by Israel’s official Twitter account. “I’m going to the Holy Land.”
“I might come back with a Jewish baby,” Haddish said. “On my way to Tel Aviv, then to Jerusalem, then I’m going to the Dead Sea and get me some. Going to have some fun, it’s gonna be great, then I’m gonna learn about the politics.”
“Stop whatever you’re doing,” the State of Israel wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. “The one and only @TiffanyHaddish is on her way to Israel. Tiffany, can we PLEASE throw you a Bat Mitzvah at the Western Wall?”
On Tuesday, the United States cast the sole veto vote against a United Nations resolution that would have called for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza war. As of this week, Israel has reportedly accelerated its bombardment of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, with the death toll in the region now reaching 29,313, per the Gaza health ministry.
Responding to a fan’s comment on the Live, Haddish suggested that she may be headed to Gaza as well. “Who said I wasn’t going to Gaza?” she asked. “I said I’m going to go see with my own eyes. Gotta go to Israel first.”
“Somebody said, is this vacation or work? This is a history lesson. This is sociology. This is education.”
“I feel like I can’t believe everything I see on the internet. I need to go see for myself, I’m one of those people,” Haddish added in her video.
“You know your PR campaign is going great when you’re posting 13 minute videos of Tiffany Haddish mugging on a plane,” one person tweeted in response.
In her Instagram Live video, Haddish, who recently accumulated her second DUI arrest in as many years, insists to her viewers that the beverage she is drinking is just orange juice, not a mimosa, because champagne “gives [her] gas.”