In an interview with CBS Sunday Morning set to air this weekend, Ivana Trump reveals that she speaks with President Trump “maybe once a week” and advises him on his Twitter habit. “He asks me, ‘Should I tweet? Should I not tweet?’” she explained. “I said, ‘I think you should tweet.’” Trump’s first wife (and the mother of Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka) went on to say: “It’s a new way, a new technology. And if you want to get your words across rightly, without telling The New York Times, which is going to twist every single word of yours, this is how you get your message out.” Just after the 2016 election, the president’s current wife, Melania, told 60 Minutesthat she would rebuke her husband “all the time” over his Twitter habit. “Sometimes he listens, sometimes he doesn’t,” she said. “But he will do what he wants to do in the end.”