Ivana Trump Recounts The Donald’s Public Affair With Marla Maples
She says the three Trump children were hit especially hard after the couple’s messy divorce.
Leonhard Foeger/Reuters
President Trump’s first wife, Ivana Trump, has revealed details about her messy divorce from and family life with the real-estate-magnate-turned president. In a book set for release next week, Raising Trump, Ivana Trump says she learned her marriage was over in 1989 when she was approached by Marla Maples, the “other woman” who eventually became Trump’s second wife. “This young blonde woman approached me out of the blue and said ‘I’m Marla and I love your husband. Do you?’” Ivana Trump recounts in the book. “I said ‘Get lost. I love my husband.’ It was unladylike but I was in shock,” she wrote. Trump’s public affair with Maples was the subject of a huge tabloid scandal that Ivana Trump describes as “insane.” The couple’s three children also took Trump’s affair with Maples pretty badly, with Donald Jr. refusing to talk to his dad for a year after the pair divorced, according to the book. Ivana Trump also suggests that Ivanka may eventually make it into the White House. “Maybe in fifteen years, she could run for president? First Lady? Holds no appeal for me personally. First Mother? That could work,” she wrote.