
Jacob Wohl Says He’ll Enlist if Trump Attacks Iran


“If we go to war with Iran, I will enlist within 10 days,” Jacob Wohl said.

Joshua Roberts/Reuters

Energetic but ineffectual young conservative operative Jacob Wohl is all-in on the prospect of war with Iran. Wohl is so into the idea, he told Right Richter that he’ll enlist in the military if the United States goes to war. 

“If we go to war with Iran, I will enlist within 10 days,” Wohl said in an Instagram direct message. 

Wohl says he’ll consider the United States at war with Iran if Congress authorizes the war or Trump uses a previous military authorization to attack. As for what branch he’ll join, Wohl says “probably the Army.” 

Wohl’s hypothetical future platoon-mates might want to be aware that Wohl has a reputation for failing spectacularly. Last year, he teamed up with lobbyist Jack Burkman to smear Special Counsel Robert Mueller with a sexual assault allegation that completely collapsed when the alleged victim failed to show, then accused Wohl of making it all up. In April, The Daily Beast caught Wohl and Burkman trying to manufacture a similar allegation against Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg. 

Any military recruiters, meanwhile, might be interested in Wohl’s history of faking death threats against himself, then reporting the bogus threats to law enforcement. In March, Wohl was caught faking threats with a dummy Twitter account during a trip to Minneapolis.

Wohl’s support for war with Iran puts him out of step with many of his fellow provocateurs in the pro-Trump “New Right,” many of whom have claimed Trump is being led by his advisers into war. Conservative personality and brain pill entrepreneur Mike Cernovich and One American News reporter Jack Posobiec, for example, have  criticized the push for war with Iran. 

While Wohl claims he’s ready to go to war, he’s been now with various 2020 plans. After telling Right Richter about his promise to enlist, Wohl pivoted to bragging about his new plan: getting dirt on Joe Biden.