
Jan 6. Rally Organizer’s Wild 2 A.M. Sermon: Acid, Yoda, and a Congressional Subpoena


Ali Alexander, who is facing a subpoena over his role in the rally preceding the Capitol riot, went down a series of rabbit holes... including the color of his urine.


An early Saturday morning Telegram call took an unexpected turn, as Jan. 6 “Stop the Steal” rally organizer Ali Alexander—whom Congress has subpoenaed—splattered a series of random thoughts against the brains of approximately 30 listeners while declaring that Congress wants to see him dead.

The unhinged 45-minute phone call at 2 a.m. further divulged into topics ranging from plastic surgery, consuming acid, and taking life lessons from the Star Wars character Yoda.

“I was actually moved to sadness. I was moved empathetically to mourn the loss of reason amongst otherwise well-intentioned people,” Alexander said at the start of the call, seemingly stringing a series of words together which he referred to as “very beautiful.”

Alexander, who is no stranger to lengthy diatribes, went on to claim that he has been tasked with much of his own “legal preparation” in light of being subpoenaed by the House committee investigating the Capitol riot because one of his lawyers has been “hospitalized” in recent days and his other attorney came down with COVID-19.

“I am doing all this legal preparation for myself,” he stated. “I mean, my full-time job right now is to comply with Congress.”

Nearing the halfway point of the bizarre call, the far-right activist then tapped into what he claimed is a deeper, unique mindset that gives him a greater perspective on the world, revealing that Congress is made up of “not permit beings” who seek for him to be six feet under.

“They are defiling, they are not Congress, they are not permit beings. This committee is an insurrection against Congress, an insurrection against the will of the people. The members of the committee would love it if I die. They would love it,” he riffed as the conversation took a dark turn. “They would love it,” he repeated, before referring to members of the Jan. 6 House Select Committee as “Satan.”

Alexander, becoming more and more spun up, claimed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) “hates my kind,” only to then lodge a misogynistic and sexist screed against the democratic leader.

Eventually, between sporadic biblical references, the activist took the opportunity to compare taking acid to prayer. “When you pray for your enemies, it gets very introspective,” he said, comparing casting spells and praying for enemies to that of consuming acid. “And I’ve allegedly partake [sic] in LSD a few times. I felt it,” he said. “I saw it.”

For good measure, Alexander told his supporters to channel the mindset of Yoda, seemingly when one is not on an acid trip. “You got to study Yoda,” he said while adding that the far-right conspiracy theory QAnon is a “false prophet.”

“Your piss is yellow because your soul is yellow, okay!?” he continued, randomly wrapping the call by railing against people who “wack off all day.” “Be a red-blooded being, a human being! A red-blooded being. It means you are going to bleed out one day.”

In response to this story, Alexander wrote in a statement, sent via his lawyer: “I did a livestream talking about how my Christian faith prevents me from hating Members of the Select Committee who are opposed to me and my political views. We need more love.”

In late November, he stated he would comply with the congressional subpoena stemming from his role in the programming ahead of the Capitol riot because he doesn’t have “money to spend on legal bills.”