Former Trump spokesperson turned tech start-up bro Jason Miller shouted out his old boss on Thursday night in hopes of attracting him to a new social media network. Former President Donald Trump’s beloved Twitter handle is reserved “if he does decide to join the platform,” Miller said.
Miller, along with former Trump campaign spokesperson Tim Murtaugh, quietly launched a new social media network aimed at conservatives on Thursday. The site, called GETTR, is financially backed by a Chinese fugitive billionaire who’s an associate of pardoned Trump strategist Steve Bannon.
While there was immediate speculation that GETTR could finally be the long-awaited alternative to Twitter and Facebook that Trump has promised since he was booted from all major social media platforms following the Capitol riots, it appears that the ex-president’s interest in the project is so far nonexistent.
As of Thursday evening, Trump had yet to create a profile on the Twitter-like site. And according to Bloomberg senior White House reporter Jennifer Jacobs, the former president doesn’t plan to join the site—or have any other financial stake or participation in it. “Apparently the ex president still has plans for a separate platform. Unclear what exactly,” she tweeted.
During a Thursday night appearance on Newsmax’s Cortes & Pellegrino—co-hosted by former Trump adviser Steve Cortes—Miller spent much of his time dutifully promoting the site to the pro-Trump network’s viewers, touting GETTR as a “place people won’t be canceled” and bragging about its “cutting edge technology.”
While lauding the site as a cancel-free zone, Miller also boasted that GETTR’s moderation system had already tracked “left-of-center people” who tried to join the platform, adding that they “were able to catch them and delete some of that content.”
After Miller noted that the platform offers a post limit of 777 characters, co-host Jenn Pellegrino wondered aloud if the opportunity for lengthier posts was related to “somebody who would have a ‘real Donald Trump’ handle,” prompting an awkward response from the ex-Trump spokesman.
“Well, I will tell you that that ‘real Donald Trump’ is reserved for the 45th president, my favorite president, so if he does decide to join the platform then we’d love to have him, if he’ll be able to come and join,” Miller said. “So that is set aside especially.”
He continued: “And you know what, I don’t think he’s going to be worried about counting characters if he decides to join our platform. That’s up to him. I have to let the president go and speak for himself on that. But we’d love to have him.”
Cortes ended the interview by gamely reassuring Miller that he believes Trump’s “going to end up there.”