Jason Miller’s right-wing “free speech” social media alternative Gettr “suspended” the account of white nationalist Nicholas Fuentes on Monday. “My official Gettr account has been permanently suspended,” Fuentes wrote on Telegram, a messaging platform beloved by the far-right. “Nice free speech platform.” The Unite the Right attendee’s Gettr page currently displays an “account suspended” notice. The booting of Fuentes didn’t go unnoticed, as far-right Arizona state Rep. Wendy Rogers asked on Telegram: “Why did Gettr ban Nick Fuentes?” The white nationalist replied, “What is the point of a free-speech alternative to Twitter...that doesn’t even honor free speech?” A Gettr spokesperson told The Daily Beast that Fuentes violated their “terms of use.” “The user in question violated GETTR’s clearly defined terms of use and has been suspended from the platform,” the statement said. (Miller didn’t return The Daily Beast’s request for comment.)