Oscar-winning actor Jeff Bridges has revealed he came close to death while battling both cancer and COVID-19. Bridges and wife Susan told People that they were devastated when Bridges, 72, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. “We were kind of numb,” Susan said. “We just immediately went through the steps of doing what needed to be done.” He began chemo in Dec. 2020 that worked well but a month later, before COVID vaccines were available, he learned he had been exposed to the virus. “[Chemo] strips you of all your immune system. I had nothing to fight it,” he told People. “COVID made my cancer look like nothing.” He said he was close to death. “The doctors kept telling me, ‘Jeff, you’ve got to fight. You’re not fighting,’” Bridges said. “I was in surrender mode. I was ready to go. I was dancing with my mortality.” Almost two years later, he was able to return to acting.