Despite having a starring role in the upcoming Ben Affleck-produced film Unstoppable, Jennifer Lopez’s face is noticeably absent from the film’s poster. The Daily Mail was the first outlet to point out the discrepancy and reports that Lopez, who also produced the film, will be attending the film’s premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on Friday. Lopez posted a photo of the poster to her Instagram stories Thursday that shows just her name credited last. The film, based on a real life story, follows Anthony Robles, a professional wrestler born with one leg. Lopez plays his mother, Judy Robles. Don Cheadle and Bobby Cannavale also have supporting roles. Despite previous reports, Affleck will not be attending the premiere, though, Matt Damon, Affleck’s producing partner, will be in attendance, according to a People source. The singer and Damon’s possible run-in will occur just two weeks after she filed for divorce on her and Affleck’s second wedding anniversary. Damon was seemingly supportive of the two rekindling their romance, telling Extra in 2021 that he was “glad for both of them.”
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Jennifer Lopez Absent From Movie Poster She Produced With Ben Affleck
Lopez is expected to attend the film’s premiere in Toronto this week while Affleck stays away.
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