The first thing many Americans woke up to this morning was—surprise!—a ridiculous tweet from President Donald Trump:
Yes, the president gave an “unannounced” interview to his favorite television program, Fox & Friends, which these days is tantamount to State TV. (Also, while it may be one of the highest-rated cable morning shows, its ratings don’t come close to the popular morning shows on ABC, NBC and CBS).
And, as host Jimmy Kimmel noted on his late-night program, “Donald Trump had a lot of praise for himself in this interview—and Kim Jong Un.”
In the wake of their historic summit, resulting in a flimsy agreement that appeared to favor North Korea—yet was nevertheless covered like the royal wedding—Trump joked to Fox & Friends’ Steve Doocy that in the lead-up to their meeting, Un cleaned house, letting go of several of his top military generals. “I think he fired at least,” offered a chuckling Trump. “Fired may be a nice word.”
“In other words, he’s saying he probably killed them—which is funny, when you think about it,” joked Kimmel. “We’ll see how this relationship goes. Kim Jong Un would make a great new host of Celebrity Apprentice, wouldn’t he? ‘I’m sorry Meat Loaf, you’re murdered.’”
That wasn’t all. “Believe it or not, yukking it up about a dictator killing those who displeased him was only the second most insane thing Trump said about Kim Jong Un today,” Kimmel added.
Yes, Trump said of Un, “He’s the head of the country, and I mean, he’s the strong head. Don’t let anybody think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”
Translation: he wants the American people to worship him as the starved and oppressed North Koreans would their “Dear Leader.”
“Nothing un-American about that!” cracked Kimmel. “All he wants from us is when he speaks we sit up at attention. Steve Doocy does it, is it too much to ask from the rest of us? Here’s the thing: the reason why people sit up at attention to Kim Jong Un is if they don’t, he’ll feed them to an alligator.”
But the biggest lie Trump told came after his chummy chat with Fox & Friends, during a press scrum on the White House lawn.
“Trump also lied even more brazenly than usual about what might be his administration’s most despicable action to date, and that is taking children away from their parents at the border. This is a policy he implemented but here’s what he had to say about that,” said Kimmel.
“That’s the Democrats’ law. We can change it tonight, we can change it right now,” said Trump. “The children can be taken care of quickly, beautifully and immediately. The Democrats forced that law upon our nation. I hate it.”
This, as Kimmel mentioned, is a bald-faced lie. “I think we can all agree that the real victim here is President Trump. They should literally light his pants on fire for that one,” said Kimmel. “If only he controlled the White House, the House and the Senate, maybe he could do something about this.”