Jimmy Kimmel Roasts the Hell Out of Trump’s ‘Weak’ Water Sip and Ramp Walk


“Trump is very defensive about anything that makes him look weak,” the late-night host said before brutally mocking the president’s bizarre behavior at West Point.

Jimmy Kimmel spent the bulk of his monologue Monday night on the “historic” speech President Trump delivered to cadets at West Point over the weekend. “No president in the history of this country has ever taken a weirder drink of water than this,” the host said before showing viewers the clip of Trump using two hands to lift the glass to his mouth.

“Is that one of the side effects of the hydroxy?” Kimmel joked. “What is up with his hand? Did he hurt it holding the Bible upside down? Let’s look at that again because there’s clearly something going on. It’s weak!” 

The host used archival footage to demonstrate how this was not the first time Trump has seemingly needed two hands to lift a glass or bottle of water. “Is it possible that, like so many members of his staff, his arm just doesn’t want to work with him anymore?” he asked.

“And then, as if the water thing wasn’t weird enough for one speech, he took a very strange walk down a ramp,” Kimmel said, playing the clip that caused numerous commentators to openly express concern over the president’s health. “Maybe the bone spurs are acting up?” Kimmel asked. “That was weird, right? We can only hope he steps down that gracefully after November.”

Because “our unstable genius just cannot take being made fun of,” as Kimmel put it, Trump actually tweeted on Sunday, “The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery. The last thing I was going to do is ‘fall’ for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!” 

“Trump is very defensive about anything that makes him look weak,” Kimmel said. “He doesn’t wear a mask, he’s too strong to get coronavirus, ‘I wasn’t in the bunker for protection, I was inspecting it!’ ‘I wasn’t shuffling down that ramp like an old man, it was slippery and I ran down it!’” 

Kimmel ended his bit by showing a video of Joe Biden ascending that same ramp quite energetically in 2016 when he was 73—the same age Trump was until he turned 74 on Sunday. “So, slow and sleepy wins the race, I guess,” he said. 

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