Jimmy Kimmel: Trump Cares More About SNL Than Stopping Terrorists


The late-night host blasted Trump for tweeting against ‘Saturday Night Live’ instead of doing his job.

President Donald Trump did a lot of tweeting this weekend and Jimmy Kimmel was there to break it all down Monday night.

With Christmas just over a week away, the late-night host predicted that it’s not “going to be a very jolly one for the president of the United States” because “Santa is bringing a stocking full of problems to Donald Trump.”

“It has been a terrible holiday season for him,” Kimmel continued. “He’s facing multiple criminal investigations, he’s losing cabinet members, he lost the House. And on top of everything else, the DNA tests he ordered came back, and Eric and Don Jr…. are his.” Trump is “so frustrated right now,” he added, that “he wants to build that wall just to bang his head against it.”

Of the many tweets Trump posted over the past few days, it was this one about Kimmel’s competitors over at NBC that really stood out to him:

“No, not collusion,” Kimmel replied. “Collusion is that thing you did, with Russia.”

The SNL sketch that seemed to have angered the president this time was an elaborate It’s a Wonderful Life parody in which Alec Baldwin, Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller and Matt Damon all helped dramatize how much better the world would be if Trump had never been elected.

“Remember when he was running for president and he said he was going to come up with a plan to stop ISIS in 30 days?” he recalled. “We’re two years in, he can’t even stop Saturday Night Live, never mind ISIS.”

Later, seeming to borrow one of MSNBC host Chris Hayes’ most evergreen tweets, Kimmel added, “We’re a month away from the president tweeting ‘snitches get stitches.’”