Stewart Mocks Ted Cruz Over Reaction to Biden’s Israel Ultimatum


Stewart returned to hosting “The Daily Show” on Thursday to bash Ted Cruz for his rhetoric on Israel.

Jon Stewart
Comedy Central

Jon Stewart on Thursday cringed at Ted Cruz’s reaction to President Joe Biden’s announcement this week that he would limit weapons shipments to Israel if its military were to cross the “red line” of invading Rafah, a densely populated city in southern Gaza with an estimated 80,000 Palestinian refugees.

Biden’s decision led to intense backlash from the Republican Texas senator, who declared in a Thursday press conference that, “Joe Biden has been the greatest friend to Hamas, and Hezbollah, that there is on planet Earth.”

Stewart couldn’t help but mock Cruz, who shared an awkward high-five with Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall. “Nothing says gravitas, like…” Stewart said, while breaking into a dorky impression of Cruz and ending it with a declaration: “You guys are fucking children.”

Stewart put the rest of the GOP on blast for their reaction to Biden’s announcement, arguing that Biden’s ultimatum wasn’t nearly as dramatic as they’re making out to be. “Oh my God!” he said with mock outrage, “The Biden administration has paused one shipment of 3,500 munitions, of the over 300,000 munitions Israel has already dropped on Gaza, to try and prevent the Israelis from attacking the area where all the refugees of this war are currently sheltered.”

Stewart finished the segment by bashing former President Donald Trump, who echoed previous comments on Thursday morning that, “If any Jewish person voted for Joe Biden, they should be ashamed of themselves.”

Stewart responded directly to Trump’s public shaming of Jewish Americans who voted for Biden, saying, “Thank you so much for taking time off of your condomless porn star hush-money trial to deliver a shame lecture to Jews. I will reflect on your moral standing next Yom Kippur.”

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