D.C. Judge Beryl Howell has denied a rioter’s request to go on a five-day vacation to Cabo San Lucas in blistering style. Howell said she only received Jason Douglas Owens’ “emergency” request to attend a “work-related conference” two weeks after he’d booked his flights, and a month after he’d filled out an online form confirming he and his wife would be attending the getaway, which was a prize from his employer. Owens furnished “business-critical data” on the form, like his t-shirt size, dietary requirements (“vegan, but not too crazy strict”) and alcohol preference, Howell noted. He “seemingly assum[ed] this Court’s approach to nonessential foreign travel by defendants facing federal felony charges would be, like defendant’s adherence to veganism, ‘not too crazy strict,’” she wrote. Howell added that, while she doesn’t begrudge Owens’ business success, international vacays would have to wait until he’s no longer facing charges “arising from ill-advised domestic travel in January 2021.” Owens and his skateboard-wielding son are both charged with assaulting cops while storming the Capitol.
Another Jan. 6 defendant's travel request does not go over well with Chief Judge Beryl Howell: "...assuming this Court's approach to nonessential foreign travel by defendants facing federal felony charges would be, like defendant's adherence to veganism, 'not too crazy strict'" pic.twitter.com/C1qsttud6N