
Judge Demands Hunter Biden and Ex-Paramour Show Up for Paternity Case


The bitter dispute over support for their 4-year-old is headed for trial in July.

Hunter Biden
Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters

Hunter Biden—along with the mother of his love child—now has to appear at every court hearing in the paternity case that is headed for trial this summer. “From now on ... I want both of your clients at every hearing I conduct,” Independence County Circuit Judge Holly Meyer said in court on Monday, according to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. “I will no longer allow us to excuse clients ... because it is interfering with the progress of litigation, which is taking way too long to get over simple points.” The president’s son wants to lower the amount of support he pays Lunden Roberts for their 4-year-old Navy, and her lawyers are demanding he turns over a mountain of financial records—some of which could be relevant to a federal probe into his foreign business dealings.

Read it at Arkansas Democrat-Gazette