Julie Chen, Wife of Ousted CBS Exec Les Moonves, Leaving ‘The Talk’ Effective Immediately: Report
A video message announcing her departure will reportedly play on Tuesday’s episode.
Julie Chen, wife of ousted CBS chief executive Les Moonves, is leaving The Talk effective immediately and will explain her decision “through a videotaped message to viewers on Tuesday’s episode,” CNN reports. Despite her departure from the talk show, Chen will reportedly stay on as the host for the CBS reality show Big Brother. A source told CNN that Chen has “decided that her main focus needs to be clearing her husband’s name from accusations” and “tending to her son,” and she reportedly made her decision late last week. Chen took some time off from The Talk when sexual misconduct allegations against Moonves surfaced, and the other hosts reacted to the news in light of the #MeToo movement while she was away. The videotaped announcement will reportedly sidestep “awkward” conversations about the topic. Chen has defended her husband after the allegations published in The New Yorker spurred corporate pressure for him to leave. “Leslie is a good man and a loving father, devoted husband and inspiring corporate leader,” Chen said in a July statement. “He has always been a kind, decent and moral human being. I fully support my husband and stand behind him and his statement.”