Sophie Turner, better known as Game of Throne's Sansa Stark, has boldly gone where no GoT cast member has gone before, finally articulating the link between Joffrey Baratheon and Justin Bieber. In an interview with The Sunday Times, Stark called Justin Bieber "the Joffrey Baratheon of our time." For the Game of Thrones ignorant, Joffrey Baratheon is a spoiled little blonde king who spends more time sadistically playing with prostitutes than working on foreign policy (in GoT land, foreign policy=invading dragons). Joffrey's parents are actually twins, which serves to partially explain his amorality, general horribleness, and annoying snarky face.

Justin Bieber, on the other hand, has no excuse. Just like Joffrey, Bieber has displayed a lack of respect for the law, an inclination towards impish violence, and an alleged penchant for prostitution.Bieber and Joffrey both have angelic faces that we kind of want to punch. They're both inexplicably wealthy and powerful, with beautiful girlfriends and proportionally smug attitudes. And while Joffrey Baratheon didn't have a private plane to hot box, there's no way he hasn't tried to make a bong out of one of those old dragon eggs. Luckily, because the Internet is a magical place that can predict all of our most pressing needs and desires, this Joffrey Bieber Tumblr already exists. While you gorge on this medieval feast of photoshopped wonders, remember to console yourself with the fact that Joffrey Baratheon is eventually going to probably get stabbed in the heart, or at least catch a serious case of chlamydia. As for Justin Bieber…hey, how's that deportation petition going?