Last week, Justin Bieber revealed his latest ink: An angel on his left wrist that looks eerily similar to on-again, off-again girlfriend Selena Gomez. The newest addition has set the Internet abuzz with rumors of the pair’s possibly rekindled romance. See this, and more of Bieber’s many pieces of permanent body art. By Anna Klassen.
What: Angel
Where: Left wrist
Why: Last week, Justin Bieber debuted a new tattoo of an angel on his wrist that looks a wee bit familiar. The image, a black and white tat that shows a buxom angel with dark hair, large wings and healthy cleavage, appears below several other tattoos on the singer’s left arm. The latest image was inked on April 22, and the woman portrayed looks almost identical to a photograph of Selena Gomez in a 2012 Elle magazine shoot.
What: Owl
Where: Left forearm
Why: “The owls are not what they seem.” These enigmatic words from the 1990 television hit Twin Peaks ring true with Justin Bieber’s eighth body art addition. His second bird tattoo, the black and white owl, holds a mysterious meaning that not even Bieber will divulge. The singer has been coy about the significance of the ink, and after posting an Instagram of the image in October of last year, one Belieber tweeted: “OWL symbolizes: Wise, Majestic and Powerful. Best tattoo ever.”
Theo Wargo/Getty
What: Greek Symbol
Where: Left Forearm
Why: Raised in a religious household in Canada, Bieber once told the Associated Press: “I’m a Christian, I believe in God, I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins.” And this deeply rooted belief is seen on many of Bieber’s body parts, like this tattoo of the Greek symbol for Christ, inked on his left forearm.
Roberto Serra/Iguana Press via Getty
What: “Believe”
Where: Inside of his left arm
Why: Similar to the way President Obama branded the word “Change” during his 2008 presidential campaign, Bieber used his mop-headed prowess to turn the meaning of the word “Believe” on its head. The tattoo represents the title of his 2012 album ‘Believe,’ an album that birthed a generation of “Beliebers”, and what would be an Anne Frank controversy.
Christopher Polk/Getty
What: Praying Hands
Where: Left calf
Why: You guessed it! The praying hands tattoo is yet another tribute to Bieber’s religious beliefs. Inked right below the Jesus in thorns tat on his left calf, the addition was first seen in March 2012 on a fishing trip with then girlfriend Selena Gomez. In December of the same year, Bieber had a several black and white roses added to the image.
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What: Roman numeral
Where: Right collarbone
Why: Dedicating his numerical tat to a special lady in his life (No, not Ms. Gomez), Bieber got inked the roman numerals representing the numbers “1975” on his right collarbone in January of 2013. The significance? His mother’s birth year.
Palace Lee/PacificCoastNews
What: Bird
Where: Left hip
Why: A family rite of passage, Justin Bieber lost his tattoo virginity on his sixteenth birthday, celebrating a male family tradition. Both Bieber’s father and uncle have similar tattoos of an outline of a seagull in flight, an image adapted from the cover art of the fable Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Stephen Lovekin/FilmMagic
What: Native American Chief
Where: Left shoulder
Why: With the start of 2013 brought another new tattoo, this time a profile of a Native American man, an image that Bieber claims is a tribute to his late grandfather. The ink is inspired by a Canadian hockey team mascot, a team that Bieber and his grandfather would go see play on Friday evenings.
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What: Japanese symbol
Where: Right Arm
Why: Because it was July 4th of course! What better way to celebrate American independence than getting some Japanese ink tatted on your arm… or something. On July 4, 2012, Bieber got the word “Music,” written in the ancient Kanji style of writing, permanently marked on his right arm.

What: Crown
Where: Left collarbone
Why: He’s king of the world! Bieber got this royal ink tatted in August of 2012, and according to one source, the image is a tribute to the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Weeks ago, a Tumblr page called Joffrey Bieber, a fan fueled mash-up of Justin Bieber and Game of Thrones’s King Joffrey Lannister, emerged with the tag line: “Where fiction's biggest brat and real life's biggest brat become one!”
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What: “Yeshua”
Where: Left side of rib-cage
Why: Meaning Jesus in Hebrew, this vertical tattoo inked on the Biebster’s ribcage is another homage to his religious roots. And just like his seagull tattoo, this ink matches one his father got during Bieber’s 2011 “My World” tour in Israel.
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What: Jesus
Where: Left calf
Why: Jesus walks! Making a lifetime commitment to the big man upstairs, Justin Bieber debuted this spiritual tat on the Los Angeles beaches in January. The image depicts a classic image of Jesus adorned in thorns.
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