
Kellyanne Conway Calls AOC a Liar for Claim That Migrants Are ‘Drinking Out of Toilets’


The White House counselor told ‘Fox & Friends’ that ‘everybody who has control over that facility’ has ‘not heard of this.’

Kellyanne Conway deftly pivoted from defending President Donald Trump’s photo-op with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un to defending Customs and Border Patrol from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Fox & Friends Tuesday morning.

“Chuck Schumer wants to talk about photo-ops?” Conway said, referring to criticism of her boss from the Senate minority leader. “I saw one yesterday. And it’s called Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez going down to one of these facilities and making this outrageous claim that a woman’s drinking from a toilet, which everybody who has control over that facility, or control for the border patrol has said that’s not true, they’ve not heard of this.” 

Rather than force Conway to back up her denial, Fox & Friends simply gave her a boost by changing its chyron to read “AOC Makes Explosive Claims About Border Agents.” 

The New York congresswoman on Monday visited the border facility in Clint, Texas, where migrants are being held and tweeted that CBP officers were “keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets.” 

That claim was later backed up by Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA), who also visited the facility and said a border patrol agent told one woman she met, “If you want water, just drink from a toilet.” 

Conway went on to attack Ocasio-Cortez for rolling up her car window when a reporter was trying to question her about those claims. “Don’t let the air condition[ing] out,” she mocked, before noting that Ocasio-Cortez was among the Democrats who voted against additional border funding for the Trump administration—or “aid package” as Conway called it. 

Later, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez fired back at Conway on Twitter, asking, “How many migrant women has Kellyanne Conway touched? Hugged? Sat on a concrete floor with? Actually listened to? The answer is none.”