The scandal-scarred Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, on the heels of surviving an impeachment push from his own party mates, may soon get rid of another headache. Citing sources, the Austin American-Statesman reported Friday that Paxton’s nine-year-old securities fraud charges may soon be dropped as he’s “nearing” a deal with prosecutors that’d dismiss all felony counts against him, assuming he successfully completes all of the terms prosecutors require. If a deal is struck, current talks suggest Paxton would be required to complete community service, advanced legal education classes, and possibly pay a six-figure restitution ranging between $300,000 and $400,000. The paper reported that Paxton likely wouldn’t have to enter a plea to take the deal, but would still be under a pseudo-probation that’d require him to “not violate any law for an extended period.” The deal’s reported requirements are a far cry from the potential 99 years behind bars Paxton, 61, would face if convicted on all charges in a criminal trial. Striking a deal would also allow him to avoid publicly addressing accusations he defrauded investors and illegally solicited clients for an investment firm. If a deal isn’t reached, his trial is slated to begin April 15.