Leon and Lim’s first show for Fall 2012 drew stars such as P. Diddy and tastemakers such as Jean-Paul Goude.
Pierre Verdy, AFP/Getty
A model from one of Kenzo’s early shows in 1977.
Daily Mail, Rex/Alamy
Kenzo Takada, the brand’s visionary namesake, in his Paris workshop in 1972.
Michel Desjardins/Gamma-Rapho
A model shows off Kenzo’s eclectic prints during the brand’s mid-80’s heyday.
Pierre Vauthey, Sygma/Corbis
The Spring/Summer 1988 show, with its barefoot models, displayed a bohemian insouciance.
Pierre Vauthey, Sygma/Corbis
Two years before Takada sold his brand to LVMH, he created a rainbow-hued show for Fall 1991.
Pierre Vauthey, Sygma/Corbis
After Takada’s departure, the brand struggled to find a clear designer vision.
Daily Mail, Rex/Alamy
Enter Leon and Lim, creators of Opening Ceremony and arbiters extraodinaires of taste, who have quickly turned Kenzo into a cutting-edge name.
Giovanni Giannoni/Fairchild Photo Service/Condé Nast/Corbis