The most powerful reporters—and spies—in America were haunted by the death of Mary Meyer, President Kennedy’s murdered lover. They knew her well. What secrets were in her diary?
Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep star in film about WaPo’s battle to publish the Pentagon Papers.
In a new book, the celebrated journalist delves into matters of faith. In a candid interview, she talks about gossip, the unfun GOP, and contacting her late husband, Ben Bradlee.
When the editor’s gorgeous sister-in-law was killed, Bradlee rushed to find her diary. But why was James Jesus Angleton looking for it too?
Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning television critic says his boss, who died Tuesday at 93, justified the description ‘legendary’ a hundred times over.
The new bio of Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee has caused a stir. Lee Siegel on the perilous relationship between writer and subject.
A new biography is filled with his own hilarious, excoriating, and always entertaining personal correspondence.
The dust-up over Ben Bradlee’s Watergate recollections reminds us that our memory is constantly shifting, says Casey Schwartz.