Bill O’Reilly, a conservative media figure, criticized President Donald Trump and other Republicans.
Jon Stewart is catching flak after inviting his old debate partner and accused sexual harasser, Bill O’Reilly, on to “The Daily Show”.
After canceling his Monday night “Daily Show” following the assassination attempt against Trump, Stewart will reunite with an old sparring partner on Tuesday.
In a blast from the past segment on Chris Cuomo’s NewsNation show, O’Reilly squirmed his way out of a $10,000 bet with the former “The View” cohost.
The TV provider added a network starring firebrands like Dana Loesch and Bill O’Reilly, flying in the face of right-wing claims that DirecTV ”silences” conservatives.
Bill-O is now billed as a “NewsNation contributor,” but a network spox said he’s not a contrib. In this week’s edition of Confider, we try to figure out what the hell is going on.
O’Reilly was at odds with Newsmax host Eric Bolling, who seemed convinced by the newsworthiness of Carlson’s lengthy interview.
Celebrity endorsers plugged a real-estate investment that seemed too good to be true. According to prosecutors, it was.
In this week’s edition of Confider, we reveal that Bill-O is in talks to join Cuomo at the little-watched NewsNation—and that Cuomo took a massive paycut to join the cable outlet.
In this week’s edition of Confider, we peer inside the WaPo beefing, a Gannett meeting that had staffers angry, and the latest on Bill-O’s attempt to silence an accuser.