Instead, Petraeus told Faulkner, “I think they are doing an impressive job.”
Michele Flournoy is a revered member of the defense establishment and practically a lock to run a Biden Pentagon. Her path there ran through ramping up the Afghanistan war.
The Iranian general was in American crosshairs before. But nobody could begin to be sure what would come next if Soleimani were killed, and no scenario looked good.
The research is part of a disturbing trend in evolutionary psychology away from trying to simply describe how humans do behave toward making a case for how humans should behave.
“I stand by the assessments I provided as the commander in Afghanistan,” Petraeus said in a statement emailed to The Daily Beast.
Stripping clearances was “ill-considered and unprecedented,” former national-security bosses wrote.
Steve Bannon, David Petraeus, and one of the world’s most controversial PR firms—they’re all part of the web connecting the Iraq war to foreign influence operations in Washington.
It’s a cartoonishly Washington tale.
McMaster came to the White House to keep American foreign policy from going up in flames. Now he’s gone—replaced by a man with a blowtorch.
Amid public scrutiny of their alleged coziness with The Donald, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski tried to get tough with him Wednesday night. It didn’t work.