Eight officials from the United Nation of Islam are accused of abusing children as young as 8, forcing them to work for free while they lived large.
The Nation of Islam leader is misappropriating history to discourage Black people from saving themselves during a pandemic that’s disproportionately impacting them.
The Nation of Islam leader is telling Black people not only that the vaccine isn’t safe—it’s part of a plot to rid the world of millions of non-white people.
Tamika Mallory spoke briefly during a meeting of the Black Caucus this week, while Linda Sarsour appeared on a livestream for the Muslims and Allies Assembly.
Serge Klarsfeld has spent his life pursuing Nazis. Now, he’s teamed up with a number of other Holocaust activists and survivors to combat Facebook’s support of Holocaust denialism.
Whistleblowers Leah Remini and Mike Rinder open up on the links between Donald Trump, the Nation of Islam, and the Church of Scientology, from loans and donations to fundraising.
Nick Cannon and Ice Cube promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Diddy broadcasting Farrakhan. Anti-Semitism has no place in any anti-racist movement, writes Cassie da Costa.
The Murdoch-owned streaming service planned to air a July 4 speech from the frequently anti-Semitic minister, but canceled on Monday.
On this week’s episode of “The Last Laugh” pod, Chelsea Handler opens up about her white privilege and apologizes for sharing a controversial video of Louis Farrakhan.
Celebs ranging from Chelsea Handler and Jessica Chastain to Jennifer Aniston and Ice Cube have been fawning over Louis Farrakhan—a homophobic anti-Semite with ties to Scientology.