A number of GOP senators are reportedly skeptical about Tulsi Gabbard’s foreign policy history and trustworthiness.
Several Democrats slammed the president for the controversial decision.
Moore’s scathing rebuke of his political party comes after more than 30 Democratic senators voted not to block the export of arms to Israel.
Threats against members of Congress have skyrocketed from 902 threat assessment cases in 2016 to more than 8,000 in 2023.
The president-elect said no judges should be confirmed until inauguration day.
Driving the calls for retirement, is the memory of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death which allowed Trump to secure a conservative majority in the Supreme Court.
Joe Biden took to a rally stage and said, “They’re trying to push me out.” Now a senior senator is reportedly putting together a posse to persuade Biden to go.
One House Democrat called the lack of communication “troubling.”
The party’s social media account’s latest attempt at relatability is leaving a bad taste in the mouths of some social media users who find the whole ordeal to be cringe-inducing.
Senate Democrats want to know if the U.S. Supreme Court Justice ever paid back his $267,000 loan from a friend.