The Ohio senator’s comments quickly gained attention on social media as users on X slammed him for being “out of touch.”
Even after investigators caught on to his scheme, Donald Zampach continued to insist his mother was still alive.
To understand Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), you have to understand a self-help book from the 1930s—and how he's now applying the opposite of its lessons.
Republicans were outraged when Joe Biden accused them of proposing Social Security cuts. Now a bipartisan group is talking about raising the retirement age.
He’s dropped Medicare and Social Security from his sunset plan after fierce backlash.
After Pence proposed replacing Social Security with a “better deal,” Fox News anchors wondered if there was any “appetite for that” and warned him he was touching a “third rail.”
The veteran CNN anchor said it was “nonsensical” and “incomprehensible” that the GOP senator repeatedly invoked comments Tapper made to justify his debunked claims.
The former president’s opposition to “no exception” abortion bans and cutting Social Security and Medicare put him at odds with his party.
Not only did Faulkner let Scott’s false claim go uncorrected—she emphatically agreed with it.
Democrats are resorting to pre-election scare-mongering, but Republicans aren’t trying to gut Social Security, they’re trying to save it.