The Jackson 5

Jackson’s Girl

With Jackson in a hospital after an apparent suicide attempt, Michael Daly recalls her first public words.

Ron Galella, patron saint of paparazzi, released a new book of Michael Jackson photos. He spoke to The Daily Beast about stalking Jackie O. and Marlon Brando. Plus, rare images of Jacko.

In an interview with Larry King on Friday, Jermaine Jackson stood up for his dad whom he says "gets a bad rap," saying that he and his brothers would not be who they are today if not for Joe's tough parenting. CNN

Michael Jackson was raised by Jehovah’s Witnesses and flirted with Scientology and Islam. Now many Christian groups wonder if the King of Pop is residing with the King of Kings.

There have been reports through the years of friction between Gordy and Jackson, but there wasn’t a hint of it as Gordy paid tribute to Jackson, calling him “the greatest entertainer that ever lived.”

Michael Jackson’s famed health guru, Deepak Chopra, tells The Daily Beast’s Gerald Posner about his grief, his own medical dealings with the singer—and how a simple emergency-room drug could have saved his life.