The group traveled for 15 hours, through six countries to reunite with the Norwegian Dawn, only for the vessel to skip docking and sail away again.
Kidnappings have been on the rise in Nigeria, with criminals demanding hefty ransoms.
“It was a trumped-up charge they put against me,” Adewale Ozioma Otaru insisted to The Daily Beast.
They must reinstate the toppled president within a week.
The president of the country has set a three-day national mourning period for the tragedy.
Packed with animal carcasses and Vodun priests, Togo’s Akodessewa Fetish Market promises fixes for everything from erectile dysfunction to a stubborn hex.
Police had to intervene to stop the carnage in the country’s parliament, according to local reports.
Viola Davis stars in Gina Prince-Blythewood’s fantastic tale of West African female warriors fighting against sexual abuse and slavery, all in the name of sisterhood.
The Oscar winner becomes a West African warrior in the intense, heart-pounding, historical action epic.
After 30 international scientists urged officials to rename the virus to avoid racism and discrimination, the WHO said it would do so even before picking a new name.