Kimmel and Fallon, Under Quarantine, Deliver ‘Post-Apocalyptic’ Late-Night Shows From Home


The two late-night hosts did their very best to share some sort of late-night entertainment with fans while trapped in their respective houses.

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast

First Stephen Colbert performed his Late Show monologue from his bathtub, now his two network late-night counterparts are following suit.

Both Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon hit YouTube Tuesday night with adorably personal versions of their typical shtick, complete with similar theme songs and “opening credits” courtesy of their young children.

“I hope you and your friends and your family are as good as could be expected in our new post-apocalyptic world,” Kimmel began in his video. His ABC show is off the air for the foreseeable future, but he said that since he has “nothing to do” he promised to shoot a “mini-monologue” every weekday from his house where he is “currently incarcerated—I mean, camping out” with his family.

Like Colbert, Kimmel used the opportunity to take a few shots at President Donald Trump for giving himself a 10 out of 10 for his handling of the coronavirus crisis. “Which incidentally is the same amount of testing kits that are currently available in the United States right now,” he joked.

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, Fallon gave a shout-out not just to his Irish and Irish-American fans watching “but to all alcoholics everywhere.” He also joked that for Bostonians, Tom Brady quitting the Patriots on St. Patrick’s Day is like finding out that “Santa died on Christmas.”

Fallon, meanwhile, celebrated the holiday by pouring and chugging a Guinness on screen before playing a special quarantine drinking song. “So kiss me, I’m Irish, but stay six feet away,” he sang. “Cause no one wants to get a virus on St. Paddy’s Day!”

“These are tough times, but we can get through this together,” he said at the end. “Be safe, wash your hands, and don’t touch your face. See you tomorrow!”

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