Over the weekend, Celebrity Jets, a Twitter account that tracks the movements of private-plane rides chartered by famous people, tweeted frecords for Kylie Jenner that revealed the star recently went on flights that were as brief as three minutes. This data incited the ire of internet commentators who criticized the damage private jets do to the environment. In the case of the three-minute flight, Jenner flew from Camarillo, California to Van Nuys, California, a drive that would take one hour in traffic. Another recent local flight lasted only 12 minutes. The records were posted after Jenner shared an Instagram photo last Friday of herself and her partner, rapper Travis Scott, alongside two private jets. “You wanna take mine or yours?” the caption reads. “80% of people have never taken a plane and Kylie Jenner is out here taking regular 10 minute flights, 5 flights in the last week under 30 minutes, one was 3 minutes long,” one viral tweet reads. “Her carbon footprint for one ten minute flight, is more than some people make in a year.”
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Kylie Jenner’s Private Jet Habits Are Pissing People Off
“Her carbon footprint for one 10 minute flight is more than some people make in a year,” one viral tweet laments.
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