Sorry to break the news. Contrary to popular belief, Grammy-nominated artist Lana Del Rey does not work at Waffle House. Despite the fun narrative, which stemmed from a viral video of her wearing a uniform at the famed breakfast chain, the truth is that she was just visiting the diner when the employees offered her a classic blue shirt and yellow “Lana” name tag. “We were on our third hour, and the servers asked, ‘Do you guys want shirts?’ ” Del Rey told The Hollywood Reporter in an article published Wednesday. “Hell yeah! We were thrilled.” In the video, Del Rey appears to serve at least one customer—but she has an explanation for this too. “This guy, a regular, comes in every day and orders two things, so they were like, ‘Just go get it for him!’ I brought him a Coke. No ice. And an empty cup,” she said. “For dip,” Del Rey added, “I didn’t see anyone take a video of me.” When asked about whether she was surprised about her Waffle House fame, she joked, “I wish my album had gone as viral.” “I woke up to, like, 10,000 texts the next morning—some from folks I had not heard from for 10 years. ‘Saw your picture at the Waffle House!’” she said, laughing. “I was like, ‘Did you hear the new album?’”