Larry Elder told the audience of his radio show in 2011 that he had been accused of sexual harassment twice before. Elder, who has hosted a conservative radio show since the 1990s, is the leading Republican challenger to Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom in the upcoming recall election. In audio from that show dug up and shared by CNN’s KFile on Thursday, Elder said that one of the employees of his law practice accused him of hitting on her in the 1980s, but he denied the allegations by saying his accuser was too ugly for them to be true. “This woman who tried to break the contract, not to compete and then accused me of hitting on her. That’s how, that’s how she put it. If you had seen her, you would know that the picture would be a complete defense. I'm just saying.” The woman backed off her allegation when he threatened a defamation suit. Elder also said he had told a guest of his TV program in Cleveland to reveal a tattoo on his butt on air, for which Elder said he was told to either apologize or resign.