Leaked messages from 2021 chats among members of the “War Room,” Andrew Tate’s network of so-called powerful men, reveal the horrifying ways Tate lied to, and manipulated, alleged sex trafficking victims, Rolling Stone reported. Screengrabs obtained by the outlet show Telegram chats in which Tate described women as “target[s]” and “assets” and sent pictures of them, some of whom are women Romanian prosecutors have now listed as alleged victims of his sex-trafficking operation. In one message, Tate explained how he isolated one woman until she “lost her support networks at home” and kept her from leaving his Bucharest house. “The real goal is for her to agree to never go anywhere without me. Not even her home town,” he wrote. “I need her working.” Tate also appeared to seek help from his associates to force one woman to share sexually explicit content on OnlyFans, admitting he’ll be “making the play tonight.” “Since she moved [to Bucharest] she’s been fed. But nothing else,” he wrote. “She’s broke. And she can’t go home. And she can’t leave the house. Man, I sound almost evil.” Tate has denied the trafficking and rape charges against him, and a spokesperson told Rolling Stone that the woman mentioned in the “purported” message screenshots has “publicly and categorically refuted any mistreatment from the brothers.”