
Leslie Jones Gives Tim Scott the Brutal Send-Off He Deserves


“The Daily Show” guest host hopes presidential drop-out Tim Scott hasn’t taken the tags off his new girlfriend.

Leslie Jones reflects on the presidential campaign of Tim Scott
Comedy Central

Just four days after failing to make much of an impression during the third GOP presidential debate, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) announced that he was abandoning his bid to become America’s next Commander in Chief. And Leslie Jones couldn’t be happier.

On Monday, the former SNL star returned to guest-host The Daily Show, where she made sure to bid farewell to the South Carolina senator’s presidential dreams in perfectly brutal fashion.

Scott dropped the bombshell on Sunday while speaking to Fox News’ Trey Gowdy, telling him that voters, “who are the most remarkable people on the planet
 they’re telling me, ‘Not now, Tim.” Which both enraged and amused Jones.

“Not now? NOT NOW?!,” she repeated, somewhat incredulous. “No, ‘not now’ is what you say when a telemarketer calls you during dinner time. This was more like: ‘We ain’t ever—ever, ever, ever, ever—voting for your fucked-up ass, anti-abortion, anti-gay, Milk Dud-looking motherfucker.’”

If Scott had been paying attention, he probably would have seen the flashing “Not now” signs much earlier. Fortunately he lasted long enough to give voters a glimpse of the girlfriend he has talked so much about, but who had until recently never been seen.

“You know she was only dating him ’cause she thought he was going to be the president,” Jones suggested. “I bet you he’s now like, ‘Well, I fell short but at least we’ve got each other, baby. Baby? Where did you go, baby?’”

“Hopefully they haven’t been dating too long because you know Connecticut has a two-week return on white women,” Jones said, adding: “Don’t take the tags off, Tim!”

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