A lost civilization more than 1.6 times the size of the United Kingdom has been discovered off the coast of Australia, according to a new study from the journal Quaternary Science Reviews.
According to the journal, “this now-drowned region,” which “existed as an extensive archipelago,” was very likely to have provided crucial resources and refuge to human populations living more than 2.5 million years ago.
According to the research compiled by the journal, study of the now-submerged continental shelf found evidence of an inland sea, saltwater and freshwater lakes.
The shelf is located off the coast of the northern region of Kimberley on a landmass that connects to New Guinea.
“We contend that the presence of an extensive archipelago on the Northwest Shelf… facilitated the successful dispersal of the first maritime explorers from Wallacea, creating a familiar environment for their maritime economies to adapt to the vast terrestrial continent of Sahul,” the journal says.
The shelf, once thought to be a desert, could have supported between 50,000 and 500,000 people and may have served as a bridge for people to walk to Australia before it became the massive island it is today.
Sounds a lot like Atlantis to us.