
Side Sleepers Rejoice: Luna’s Cooling Knee Pillow Relieves Hip, Back, and Knee Pain


If you’ve ever found yourself stuffing a blanket between your knees, stop.

Pillow for side sleepers
Scouted/The Daily Beast/Luna/iStock

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I like to pretend I’m impervious to injury and aging—it’s a mental strategy to perpetuate believing I’m capable of feeling physically fit forever. That’s possibly true; however, as time goes by, it appears that peak-performance feeling may need to be supported by supplements and props. I’m okay with that, too, because there’s really nothing like feeling your best every day—whatever it takes. But sometimes, all it takes is a $25 knee pillow that I now cannot sleep soundly without.

Ok, I’ve cried about hurting myself at the gym before, with the last injury manifesting lingering hip pain while lying down. I’m a side sleeper, and the pressure this caused triggered discomfort. I even took to bunching up a blanket between my knees for relief since a regular pillow is far too big. Then I found the Luna Knee Pillow; in the over 10,000 positive reviews, purchasers talk about it relieving both hip and back pain, so I thought I’d give it a shot. It’s made from chemical-free memory foam, a material that reliably brings joy to everyday life.

Luna CoolLuxe Orthopedic Knee Pillow

The older version of the knee pillow must have been a little heat-inducing because Luna just released one with a cooling cover, much like my beloved mattress cover, and that was a hook enough for me. I’m 5’8,” and the knee pillow fits my legs comfortably, but it is also offered in a larger version for taller folks.

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Even if you don’t have an injury but sleep on one side, this pillow gives that same ahh feeling that you get when tucking your favorite pillow under your head. Hips and back feel relieved of the weight of being your primary support system. Turns out that knee pillows are as fundamental as head pillows are to the neck. My knees don’t do that thing where one fights for front position all night either, and even if I move onto my back, the pillow stays in place in a non-intrusive way.

Even though I bought it for my hip pain, my back also feels great, and I’m sleeping through the night for unprecedented hours (that’s saying a lot). Try the Luna Knee Pillow if you have hip, knee, or back issues and want to try something soft, comfortable, and easy!

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