The Maine State Police responded on Wednesday to a brutal social media post by a local sheriff’s deputy alleging that they had botched the high-profile manhunt for Robert Card, the gunman who killed 18 people and injured a dozen more last week. In the tirade, the Androscoggin County deputy slammed the state agency for a lack of communication during the manhunt for Card, calling them “utter clowns” who he wouldn’t hire “to manage the morning rush at Dunkin Donuts, much less an investigation of this size.” State police said Wednesday that it is “unfortunate” that the deputy “has disparaged the exemplary work of hundreds of municipal, county, state, and federal law enforcement officers who worked around the clock to identify, search for, and ultimately locate Robert Card’s body in 48 hours.” Maine State Police Colonel William Ross added in a statement: “This deputy has the luxury of his opinion.”