Whatever you say, Cruella. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who served definite villain energy in a white fur coat at last year’s State of the Union, has some thoughts about the U.S. Senate saying sayonara to its dress code. Greene blamed the news—that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has quietly given the order to let senators wear what they like on the floor—on Sen. John Fetterman, the Pennsylvania Democrat known for rocking a hoodie and gym shorts around the halls of the Capitol. “The Senate no longer enforcing a dress code for Senators to appease Fetterman is disgraceful,” she wrote. “Dress code is one of society’s standards that set etiquette and respect for our institutions. Stop lowering the bar!”
The Senate no longer enforcing a dress code for Senators to appease Fetterman is disgraceful.
Dress code is one of society’s standards that set etiquette and respect for our institutions.